NIRSPEC First Light



NIRSPEC Conference Proceedings

    "High Precision Stellar Velocity Measurements in the Galactic Center",
      Donald F. Figer, Diane Gilmore, Mark Morris, Ian S. McLean, E. E. Becklin, Andrea M. Gilbert, James R. Graham James E. Larkin, N. A. Levenson, Harry I. Teplitz 2001, BAAS

    "A survey of organic volatile species in comet C/1999 H1 (Lee) using NIRSPEC at the Keck Observatory",
      Mumma, M. J., McLean, I. S., DiSanti, M. A., Larkin, J. E., Dello Russo, N., Magee-Sauer, K., Becklin, E. E., Bida, T., Chaffee, F., Conrad, A. R., Figer, D. F., Gilbert, A. M., Graham, J. R., Levenson, N. A., Novak, R. E., Reuter, D. C., Teplitz, H. I., Wilcox, M. K., & Xu, Li-H. 2000, DPS, 32.4404

    "Infrared Spectroscopy of UV Photons: The M16 PDR",
      Levenson, N.A., Graham, J.R., McLean, I.S. and the NIRSPEC Commissioning Team 2000, to appear in proceedings of the Tetons conference

    "NIRSPEC Spectra of High-z Radio Galaxies",
      Carson, J. E., Larkin, J. E., McLean, I. S., Graham, J. R., Becklin, E. E., Figer, D. F., Gilbert, A. M., Levenson, N. A., Teplitz, H. I., & Wilcox, M. K 2000, BAAS 196.5015

    "NIRSPEC brown dwarf spectroscopic survey",
      Wilcox, M.K., McLean, I.S., Becklin, E.E., Figer, D.F., Gilbert, A.M., Graham, J.R., Larkin, J.E., Levenson, N.A., Teplitz, H.I., Kirkpatrick, J.D., & Burgasser, A.J. 2000, SPIE, 4005, 296

    "NIRSPEC Observations of the Galactic Center",
      Figer, D.F., McLean, I.S., Becklin, E.E., Graham, J.R., Larkin, J.E., Levenson, N.A., Teplitz, H.I., 2000, SPIE, 4005, 104

    "Keck/NIRSPEC Spectroscopy of Stars Near Sgr A*",
      D.F. Figer, E.E. Becklin, M. Morris, I.S. McLean, J.R. Graham, A.M. Gilbert, J.E. Larkin, N.A. Levenson, H.I. Teplitz, 1999, BAAS 195.6202

    "Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of Neptune's Hazes and Storms at the Keck Telescope",
      Roe, H.; Graham, J. R.; de Pater, I.; Gibbard, S.; Macintosh, B.; Max, C.; Baines, K.; Gilbert, A. M.; McLean, I. S.; Becklin, E. E.; Figer, D. F.; Larkin, J. E.; Levenson, N. A.; Teplitz, H. I.; Wilcox, M. K. 1999, DPS, 31.5109

    "Detection of ethane, methane, OH and other volatile species in comet C/1999 H1 (Lee) with NIRSPEC at the Keck Observatory",
      Mumma, M. J.; Dello Russo, N.; Disanti, M.; Gilbert, A. M.; Graham, J. R.; McLean, I. S.; Becklin, E. E.; Figer, D. F.; Larkin, J. E.; Levenson, N. A.; Teplitz, H. I.; Wilcox, M. K., 1999, DPS 31.3206

    "Infrared Spectroscopy of a Massive Obscured Star Cluster in the Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/4039) with NIRSPEC",
      Gilbert, A.M., Graham, J.R., McLean, I.S., Becklin, E.E., Figer, D.F., Larkin, J.E., Levenson, N.A., Teplitz, H.I., Wilcox, M.K., 1999, in Star Formation from the Small to the Large Scale, proceedings of 33d ESLAB Symposium, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

    "Infrared Spectroscopy of the High Redshift Radio Galaxy MRC 2025-218 and a Neighboring Extremely Red Galaxy",
      Larkin, J.E., McLean, I.S.,Graham, J.G., Becklin, E.E., Figer, D.F., Gilbert, A.M.,Glassman, T.M., Levenson, N.A., Teplitz, H., & Wilcox, M.K., 1999, in The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High Redshift, eds. A.J.Bunker and W. J. M. van Breugel

    "Infrared Spectroscopy of a Massive Obscured Star Cluster in NGC 4038/4039 with NIRSPEC",
      Gilbert, A.M., Graham, J.G., McLean, I.S., Becklin, E.E., Figer, D.F., Larkin, J.E., Levenson, N.A., Teplitz, H.I., & Wilcox, M.K., 1999, in SOFIA-Star Formation Workshop proceedings