A few links related to young stars, rotation, ...

Star formation

Galleries (pretty pictures) of nebulae; note that not all of the nebulae listed on these pages are necessarily star-forming regions. Star formation in general Herbig-Haro objects, or HH objects, are (generally speaking) knots of stuff ejected from very young stars. The thing that I think makes them particularly cool is that sometimes these knots are found a long way away from the star that ejected them. There is a movie I've seen that shows some of these things actually moving, but unfortunately, I can't find it on the web. Here are some of the other links I could find.

Variable Stars

Young stars are variable, as you might guess from the name of one of the prototype young stars, T Tauri.


The stars I study in detail are those with big star spots, like sunspots, but bigger (because the star is younger and generally rotating faster than the sun) and more stable (no one knows why).

My research in particular

Astronomy at IR wavelengths and Spitzer

I use near-IR to help determine if a star has a circumstellar disk or not. Thank you to the Spitzer Science Center for providing me with the handouts I distributed at the talk!

Astronomy as a career

I have a separate page for those links.

Go back to my home page

Last substantially modified 15 Sep 02 by rebull
Any opinions expressed here are well-reasoned and insightful, but in no way reflect those of NASA/JPL or Caltech. No electrons were harmed in the creation of these pages.

The research described here was partially carried out at IPAC, which is part of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, operated by the California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.