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I explore the formation and evolution of the first galaxies in our universe


I explore the formation and evolution of the first galaxies in our universe

I am currently an assistant scientist (former post-doctoral researcher and SNSF post-doctoral fellow) at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) at Caltech. My main interests include early galaxy formation at very high redshifts and the physics of star-formation quenching in massive galaxies at intermediate redshifts. I am the U.S. lead principal investigator of ALPINE, a 70-hour program with ALMA to study gas and dust in galaxies in the early universe.

Learn more about me, my research, and ongoing projects!

Science Highlights

Check out our new ALPINE outreach webpage! Also: We just published the 10th ALPINE paper. See all papers here.


My research focuses on the study of galaxies in the early universe. I am the U.S. lead PI of ALPINE and part of several large collaborations. Preparing for the future, I am scientifically and technically involved in several upcoming large missions, including ISCEA, a SmallSat being developed at Caltech/IPAC. I am also part of the IPAC Joint Survey Processing and Tech-Initiative team.


I am leading and co-leading outreach initiatives in and around Los Angeles. Follow me on social media and learn about ongoing science and upcoming astronomy outreach events.



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