- Original development; 199?-200?; Mazz+Kim+Olga
- Refined & deployed; May-July 2005; Mazz+Olga+Ben
- Refined columns: 28 Oct 2005; Mazz+Ben
- Refined columns: 20 Jan 2006; Mazz+Ben
- Refined columns: 30 Nov 2006; Mazz+Ben
- Updates columns: 21 Oct 2008; Olga+Ben
NED Spectral Archive - database table description
NOTE 0: GREEN text => Database internally defined values
RED text => NED/Homogenized values
BLUE text => Published values
NOTE 1: "[***]" indicate assumed units for numerical fields
"(with units in ***)" indicate character fields where the units are required explicitly
NOTE 2: The two units parameters: channel_units & flux_units, are used in the database qurey script
to plot the correct unit symbols in the spectral previews and for the 'detailed-html' output.
The acceptable formats are described below (use ^{XX} for superscript and _{XX} for subscript),
any additional formats used must be added to the qurey script -- NEDspectra.pl.
NOTE 3: To be consistant, the start -wavelength and -frequency are greater than end -wavelength and -frequency.
i.e. lambda_s = 299792459/freq_e or freq_s 299792459/lambda_e
NOTE 4: After encountering inconsistent precisions used for certain columns while sorting database results
the following columns should always be entered into the database with the corresponding precisions:
(i) these columns should be in scientific notation, with 7 significant figures:
lambda_s, lambda_e, dlambda, freq_s, freq_e, dfreq
(ii) these columns should be in standard notation, with 6 decimal places:
NEDra2000, NEDdec2000, ra2000, dec2000
serial cntr no: Database internal counter - generated at insert to table
char 30 galaxy no: NED name - as near given_name as possible and in NED name format
char 30 obs_region yes: Region sampled by spectra: Nucleus; Integrated/Drift-Scan; Off-Nucleus; Multiple-Objects (e.g. Gpair, group, cluster)
char 30 given_name no: Object name given in literature/observation
char 19 refcode no: 19-digit refcode
char 15 bandpass no: Bandpass of spectra: Xray; Ultraviolet; Optical; Infrared; mm; Radio
char 15 line_name yes: Name of specific spectral line observation: CO, HI, etc
smallfloat lambda_s no: Starting wavelength [meters] - see NOTE 3 above.
smallfloat lambda_e no: Ending wavelength [meters]
smallfloat dlambda yes: Delta lambda = (lambda_e - lambda_s)/n_pix [meters/pixel]
smallfloat freq_s no: Starting frequency [Hz] - see NOTE 3 above.
smallfloat freq_e no: Ending frequency [Hz]
smallfloat dfreq yes: Delta frequency = (freq_e - freq_s)/n_pix [Hz/pixel]
smallfloat pchannel_s no: Literature/observation defined starting channel value (units given by parameter channel_units)
smallfloat pchannel_e no: Literature/observation defined ending channel value (units given by parameter channel_units)
smallfloat pdchannel no: Literature/observation defined delta channel value (units given by parameter channel_units)
char 15 channel_units no: Spectral units of pchannel_s, pchannel_e, pdchannel, and pchannel_res (MUST use one of following formats: *eV; *m; A; micron; km s^{-1}; *Hz)
float NEDra2000 no: NED prefered J2000 RA of galaxy [decimal degrees]
float NEDdec2000 no: NED prefered J2000 Dec of galaxy [decimal degrees]
float ra2000 yes: Literature/observation defined RA of object converted to J2000 [decimal degrees]
float dec2000 yes: Literature/observation defined Dec of object converted to J2000 [decimal degrees]
char 18 pos_origin yes: Literature/observation defined object position origin: FITS-Header or Published-Value.
char 18 cra yes: Literature/observation defined RA of object in original format
char 18 cdec yes: Literature/observation defined Dec of object in original format
char 18 pos_units yes: Literature/observation defined object position units: Decimal-Degrees; Sexagesimal; Decimal-RA-Dec; etc.
char 18 pos_system yes: Literature/observation defined object position system: Equatorial; Galactic; etc.
char 18 pos_equinox yes: Literature/observation defined object position equinox: B1950; J2000; etc.
smallfloat spect_res_m yes: Literature/observation defined spectral resolution [meters]
smallfloat spect_res_f yes: Literature/observation defined spectral resolution [Hz]
smallfloat pchannel_res yes: Literature/observation defined channel resolution (units given by parameter channel_units)
smallfloat res_power yes: Average spectral resolving power (lambda_e+lambda_s)/(2*spect_res_m)
smallfloat seeing yes: Seeing during observation [arcsec]
smallfloat airmass yes: Airmass during observation
integer exptime yes: Exposure time [seconds]
char 30 telescope yes: Name of telescope used
char 30 instrument yes: Name of insturment used
char 30 disperser yes: Type of disperser used: Grism; Prism; Echelle; Fourier-Transform; Blazed-Grating; etc.
char 30 obs_mode yes: Mode of spectral observation: Long-Slit; Slit-Mask; Fiber-Feed; Integral-Field. (NOTE: In the database qurey script, I've coded overlay of slits for "Long-Slit", "Slit-Mask", and "Fiber-Feed" ONLY, all others needs to be added.)
char 30 detector yes: Type of detector used: CCD; Correlator; Photographic-Plate; Scanner; etc.
smallint naxis yes: 1-1D; 2-2D; or 3-3D spectrum
char 15 n_pix yes: Number of pixels (1D:### or 2D:### x ### or 3D:### x ### x ###)
smallfloat aperture yes: Aperture diameter or slit width [arcsec]
smallfloat slit_length yes: For long-slit observations only, the lenght of slit [arcsec]
char 20 ex_reg_leng yes: Lenght of the extracted region [arcsec]. Changed to char to capture mapping data from SINGS data. Format: ### x ###
smallint pa yes: Position angle of aperture [degrees]
char 80 sensitivity yes: Survey sensitivity or detection limit... changed to char field, used only by 2004AJ....128...16K and 2000ApJ...532L..21H - it seems completely crazy, we should change this.
char 40 flux_units yes: Flux units: arbitary; counts; W Hz^{-1} m^{2}; erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} A^{-1}; ph sec^{-1} cm^{-2} A^{-1}; etc.
smallint flag_base_sub yes: Baseline subtraction: 1-yes,0-no
char 40 flag_quality yes: Quality flags
smallint flag_flux_cal yes: Flux calibration: 1-yes,0-no
smallint flag_abs_cal yes: Absolute flux calibration (photometric condition): 1-yes,0-no
smallint flag_sky_sub yes: Sky subtraction: 1-yes,0-no
smallint rest_frame no: Reference frame of spectrum: 1-rest frame, 0-observed frame
char 512 url_local no: Local URL path with filename prefix
char 1024 url_ext yes: External URL path to off-site resource
char 512 comment yes: Short comment line