Date: 14 Jul 2004 1100 PDT

Attendees: Sean, Mark L., Jason, Matt, Pauline, Dan

   1) Comparison of current post-BCD correction methods
   2) Initial discussion on dealing with muxbleed problem

Current post-BCD algorithms: Sean gave a brief status on the comparison of the current muxbleed algorithms. At present, there is Dan's initial code, the SIP port of Dan's code, Mark's code and Jason's code. All of the routines did a pretty good job when there was little extended emission. Dan's code was superior to the rest. However, all of the current algorithms had major problems when extended emission existed in the images.

How to deal with muxbleed problem: After a long discussion, we reached a consensus on a plan to create a better and more general muxbleed corrector. From Brant Nelson's report on muxbleed, we know that the muxbleed varies depending on source position on the focal plane. Dan's work shows that the scaling of muxbleed to source fluence is not a simple relation. These observations suggest that coming up with an functional fit that can be applied to all instances is unlikely. As a result, we have decided that the best scheme is to fit each instance of muxbleed with a function after estimating the true sky for each affected pixel. The problem was further broken down into 4 steps: 1) Identification and flagging of affected pixels, 2) Estimation of the true sky in the affected pixels, 3) Fit of a corrective function to the difference between the pixel and estimate, 4) Correction of the pixel by the function value.

Action items:

1) Mark and Sean to continue working on background estimators

2) Dan and Lexi to continue working on fitting routines

3) Jason to post his images showing the temporal variation of muxbleed

4) Matt, Bill and Sean to fix the artifact vs. fowler IER

Next meeting: TBD