######################################## cd /data/stack #terminal #move iraf to desired stack directory n images.list & #make sure all of the .mag.1 files are in this file, THE AIRMASS WILL BE ADDED BY ALIGN.PRO #add the center.mag.1 directory to each object/filter directory ls galaxies/*/*/*/*mag.1 > test.list #then add the desired *mag.1 files to images.list from test.list ######################################## idl --> align.pro #makes .txt files, scales the images for airmass, and creates scale.cl ######################################## #copy the lines from whatever galaxy/filt combination you added into iraf or if you have to do it all: n scale.cl & #or cl < scale.cl #this creates the airmass corrected images as *S.fit (S for scale) in the phot dir #move to desired stack directory ls a*.txt > ToCoordinates.list geomap @ToCoordinates.list Coordinates.list 1 2037 1 2048 #wiro geomap @ToCoordinates.list Coordinates.list 1 4096 1 4096 #bok # hit 'q' in Textronic for each frame #############################################!update this line!##### ls /pawnee3/davec/clusters/data/photometry/ugca292/wiro/V/*S.fits > ToAlign.list ls /pawnee3/davec/clusters/data/photometry/ugca133/bok/B/*S.fits > ToAlign.list #############################################!update this line!##### cp ToAlign.list Aligned.list n Aligned.list & #add 'A' to each name geotran @ToAlign.list @Aligned.list Coordinates.list @ToCoordinates.list prevu @Aligned.list ########################################### imcombine @Aligned.list stack30.fit combine=average reject=avsigclip lthresh=INDEF hthresh=INDEF imcombine @Aligned.list stack50.fit combine=average reject=avsigclip lthresh=INDEF hthresh=INDEF hsigma=5.0 imcombine @Aligned.list stackl34.fit combine=average reject=avsigclip lthresh=INDEF hthresh=INDEF lsigma=3.4 ######## add wcs to header ##################################################### stsdas analysis gasp n *.txt & ########################################!update this line!######## disp /pawnee3/davec/clusters/data/stack/dss/ugca133[0] 2 ########################################!update this line!######## disp stack 1 #BOK #dss image - (x flip) & (post-sept2010 bok image - zoom 1x) #dss image - (x flip and 270 degree rotate) & (pre-sept2010 bok image - zoom 1x) #WIRO #dss image - (xyflip) & (wiro image - none) imexa logfile=dss.txt keep+ # use 'a' on five stars on dss image, then quit imexame ########################################!update this line!######## xyeq iminfo=yes image=/pawnee3/davec/clusters/data/stack/dss/ugca133[0] xy=dss.txt pix_center=iraf xcol=1 ycol=2 nskip=2 orig=yes new=no ra_h=yes ra_f=%h dec_f=%h > dss.coords ########################################!update this line!######## n dss.coords ccmap.in & ### copy and paste into ccmap.in the coords (1st and 2nd) from any *.txt file, ### then cut and paste ra+dec from dss.coords into 3rd & 4th columns; close both files ccmap input=ccmap.in database=ccmap.database images=stack.fit lngunits=hours latunits=degrees results=ccmap.out update=yes interactive=no ### ccmap for other filter !!!THIS WILL ALWAYS BE THE U FILTER!!!! ccmap input=../U/ccmap.in database=ccmap.database images=stack.fit lngunits=hours latunits=degrees results=ccmap.out update=yes interactive=no ### ensure pixel scale is around 0.523"/pix +/- 0.004 wiro ### ensure pixel scale is around 0.45 "/pix +/- 0.005 bok !!!!!!!!!!!!!###############!!!update notes page and web page!!!##################!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! move to updating header information of the stacked image.