--------------------------------------------------------------------------- A nice relationship between the uncertainty and average absolute deviation for two averaged measurements with Gaussian distributed errors. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is a well known fact that for _large_ samples of two independent and identically distributed random variables (fa, fb), the average rms in their difference (i.e., the average over many sample pairs) is just the average of their absolute difference divided by sqrt(2): rms(delta) = <|delta|>/sqrt(2), where delta = fa - fb. For example, if fa, fb are signals (pixels or source photometry) measured from separate images with approximately the same "sigma" (uncertainty), and assuming fa, fb have errors distributed as *Gaussian*, then we also have the well known relationship: <|delta|>/sqrt(2) = sqrt(2/pi)*sigma. Now, if a quantitity is some average combination of two measurements (e.g., from two images) where the combined signal is: favg = 0.5*(fa + fb), we have: sigma(favg) = sigma/sqrt(2). Combining this with the above relationship for Gaussian distributed errors yields the final result: sigma(favg) = sqrt(pi/8)*<|delta|>. Therefore, an estimate for the uncertainty in the average of two independent measurements with errors identically distributed as Gaussian is simply sqrt(pi/8) multiplied by their average absolute difference. --- F. Masci, 12/3/2013