I've written several scripts to simplify examination of 2MASS coadds
from within skyview and Netscape. In an effort to reduce the number of
different scripts I have to maintain I've folded various options that used
to be part of different scripts into a set of environment variables the
user can customize to taste.
All of these scripts will give basic usage info if called without any arguments.
Typical calling syntax follows:
coadds *.fits [paint up all fits files]To erase the extended source overlays within skyview type:
coadds j*.fits [paint all j images]
coadds *103.fits [paint J, H, & K separately for coadd 103]
coadds hi0090044 ji0090068 ji0090138 [paint the specified coadds]ccoadds *.fits [paint all coadds in 3-color]
ccoadds *103.fits [paint coadd 103 in 3-color]
er go
er ro
er bo
ccoadds_multi 009 010 025 120 [creates jpegs for the listed scans]Note that the jpegs take about 1 MB of disk space per scan (twice this if you have enabled extended source overlays; see below).
coadds_rangeThe default value is "1% 1%+30" (displaying a range from the lower 1% to 30 DN above this). For galactic plane scans it's useful to set a higher limit like "1% 1%+120". It is also possible to use relative lower and upper ranges like "1% 99.9%" or absolute ranges like "620 650".
For color coadds, it is also possible to specifically override each color channel for the 3 bands using:
coadds_jrangeOne useful application is if you want to force all of the coadds in a scan to have the same lower & upper ranges so they can be directly compared to one another, but of course the levels would need to be adjusted separately for each band.
Users of the ccoadds_multi script should also set the following environment variables in their .cshrc so that the jpegs will be copied over to a local scratch disk:
coadds_host [user's host machine name]It is also possible to set a switch telling ccoadds_multi to also create jpegs including the extended source marks as well as the plain images. To do this creating the following environment variable (using any value):
coadds_rmtdir [desired local directory for jpeg files]
coadds_extdA typical .cshrc entry would look like:
# Definitions for coadds painting scriptsTo get rid of the extended source jpegs you could use the following command:
setenv coadds_host "vorlon"
setenv coadds_rmtdir "/scr/2mass"
setenv coadds_extd "yes"
unsetenv coadds_extdTo reset all the range defaults you could type:
coadds_jrange "150 170"Note that the coadds_range value is always used for greyscale plots using coadds, but is only used by ccoadds if the individual J, H, & K ranges have not been set.
coadds_hrange "1% 99%"
coadds_krange "1% 1%+50"
coadds_range "1% 99.99%"