A package I have written for for reducing WIRC survey data.

Emmanuel Bertin's SExtractor
2.5.0 MacOS X Universal Binary
2.3.2 MacOS X PPC
2.2.2 MacOS X PPC

Emmanuel Bertin's SWarp
2.16.0 MacOS X Intel-only, compiled for multiple CPUs, about 80% faster than the universal binary below on a Core Duo
2.16.0 MacOS X Universal Binary
2.15.0 MacOS X PPC

John Thorstensen's Skycalc
MacOS X Universal Binary

SAO/HEAD Funtools Package
Precompiled Binaries for MacOS X.

WGET - similar to CURL, this is a program for getting web pages and the like via the command line.
1.9 MacOS X Universal Binary

Software I have written for the Igor data analysis package that allows it to read FITS images.

UH-IfA Thesis Macros
This macro set has now successfully created three UH compliant dissertations, so it looks like it all works. I am also including a special preprint version that will automatically create output with a nice format suitable for making preprints of your thesis, all using your original thesis latex.
Thesis Style Macro (v5b)
Preprint Version