WIRE SO Tool: ADFsummary


Perl script ADFsummary summarizes the data in specified area-definition files (ADFs). Basic syntax checking, as well as internal consistency checking, are also performed.

Observation-segment timing information, if available, is used to calculate nominal, minimum, and maximum tile heights for the ADFs. The formulas used are similar to those of planquery. The tile height is basically proportional to the quantity (integration time + slew time + area-margin time) / orbit period. For ADFs with total segment integration time less than the standard segment integration, which is currently set to 497 seconds, the area-margin time is set to zero.

See the environment variables section below for information on externally controlling this tool.

The tool is now under both CVS version control (/proj/wire/cvsroot/da/russ/guidestars), and make control (makefile.p-bin). It has been delivered to /proj/wire/so_tst/bin. It uses perl libraries readutils.pl to read in the ADFs and tileutils.pl to compute tile heights. The lastest CVS version number is 1.6. The source code is located in /proj/wire/russ//guidestars.

Required and Optional Inputs

The table below describes the available command-line inputs.
Command-line input  Definition 
-ADFpath or -ap pathname Path name of evolution-scenario dependent input files where ADFs are stored. Required only if environment variable ADFPATH is not set. This option overrides the environment variable setting.
-surveytype or -sv list of ADF filenames Optional. ADF filenames generally include the prefix "survey_". If this option is not used, then all ADFs in the ADFpath will be checked and summarized by this tool.
-orbitperiod or -op value Orbit period, in minutes. Used to compute tile height from observation segment duration. Default value is 95.39424 minutes.
-StandSegIntTime or -st value Standard segment integration time, in seconds. Used to compute tile height from observation segment duration. Default value is 497 seconds.
-verbose or -v switch Verbose mode. Default is off.

Environment Variables

Only one environment variable is recognized. If the above listed -ADFpath command-line option is used, then this environment variable need not be set.
Environment variable Description  Defaults
ADFPATH Path to evolution-scenario dependent input files  None.


Five output files are created: ADFsummary.tbl, ADFsummary.tbl2, ADFsummary.tbl3, ADFsummary.dat, and ADFsummary.dat2. All summarize the ADF data in one form or another. The first three are IPAC tables. The first lists basic information. The second lists the RTSs associated with each ADF. Observation-segment timing information is tabulated in the third output file for those ADFs with a standard timing-info header string. The fourth summarizes dither-control and field-position data (only unique dither-control data for each survey type are presented in this file). The fifth output file gives observation-segment timing information in free format for all ADFs.


Example of how to execute ADFsummary:
ADFsummary -ap /wire/pit/so/alternate_missions/v602_990224_300_7adv_3spin_isoev

The standard output is:

ADFsummary version $Id: ADFsummary,v 1.6 1999/01/06 18:18:29 laher Exp $  update Wed_1999/01/06(006)_10:18:29 , PID=1058
User: laher   Date/time: Wed_1999/01/06(006)_12:36:16   PCPU: 1.83/0.27/3  CCPU: 0.17/0.22


Named parameters for ADFsummary:
  surveytype = (); 
  adfpath = /wire/pit/so/alternate_missions/v610_990224_300_7adv_3spin_isoev/; 
  orbitperiod = 95.39424; standseginttime = 497; verbose = undef; 
  execpath = @/; debug = undef; log = undef; 

*** readadf(survey_c):  Unknown local field scale factor; defaulting to 1...
*** readadf(survey_c1):  Unknown local field scale factor; defaulting to 1...
*** readadf(survey_c2):  Unknown local field scale factor; defaulting to 1...
*** Timing-info header string not found (survey_eject); skipping at ADFsummary line 366.
*** Timing-info header string not found (survey_filler); skipping at ADFsummary line 366.
*** Timing-info header string not found (survey_gyrcal); skipping at ADFsummary line 366.
*** Timing-info header string not found (survey_gyrcal213_p0_p0_m20); skipping at ADFsummary line 366.
*** Timing-info header string not found (survey_gyrcal213_p0_p0_p20); skipping at ADFsummary line 366.
*** readadf(survey_kstar):  Unknown local field scale factor; defaulting to 1...
*** Timing-info header string not found (survey_lamdel_120s); skipping at ADFsummary line 366.
*** Timing-info header string not found (survey_lamsol); skipping at ADFsummary line 366.
*** Timing-info header string not found (survey_noslew_30); skipping at ADFsummary line 366.
*** Timing-info header string not found (survey_noslew_31); skipping at ADFsummary line 366.
*** Timing-info header string not found (survey_noslew_4sec); skipping at ADFsummary line 366.
*** Timing-info header string not found (survey_noslew_irs); skipping at ADFsummary line 366.
*** Timing-info header string not found (survey_slc); skipping at ADFsummary line 366.

End of ADFsummary status 0, PID=1058
User: laher   Date/time: Wed_1999/01/06(006)_12:36:17   PCPU: 2.46/0.44/4  CCPU: 0.19/0.26

Click here for a listing of ADFsummary.tbl.

Click here for a listing of ADFsummary.tbl2.

Click here for a listing of ADFsummary.tbl3.

Click here for a listing of ADFsummary.dat.

Click here for a listing of ADFsummary.dat2.

Last revised: March 18, 1999

Software Developer: Russ Laher

Webpage by: Russ Laher

URL: http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/laher/ADFsummary.html

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