WIRE Star-Catalog-Search Software


Perl script Starsearch.pl searches the ACT and USNOA star catalogs for matches to an input source list with approximate (RA, Dec) positions and optional WIRE-IR-band magnitudes. Its objective is to replace the approximate positions with more accurate ones from the star catalogs, which are required for subsequent processing by WIRE position-refinement software.

The ACT catalog is searched first, since it is more accurate. If a match with an ACT star is found, then no attempt is made to search and match the source in question to a USNOA star.

Because there are many fewer ACT stars than USNOA stars (one million versus a half a billion), the distance tolerance for an ACT-catalog match can be larger than for a USNOA-catalog match. Too large a matching window may result in an unacceptably large number of random matches.

An underlying assumption of this software is that the sources in the input list are all contained within a square search window, whose size is specified via command-line parameters (default is 0.8 degrees on a side).


Click here for PowerPoint charts.

The software is now under both CVS version control (/proj/wire/cvsroot/da/russ/acs), and make control. The executables have been delivered to /proj/wire/tst. The source codes are located in /proj/wire/russ/acs/ (Starsearch.pl, makefile.p-bin), /proj/wire/russ/act/ (searchact.f, makefile.f), and /proj/wire/russ/usnoa/ (searchusnoa.f, makefile.f).

Required and Optional Inputs

The following is a list of the required inputs for Starsearch.pl:

  1. Filename of the ASCII data file in IPAC table format containing the input source postions, position confidence weights, and magnitudes.
  2. Explicit command-line specification of the WIRE band associated with the input data.

The format of the ASCII data file is given as follows. The first two lines are IPAC table headers. Each subsequent line includes requisite data for a particular source, which are the seven values: source index number, approximate right ascension (decimal degrees), approximate declination (decimal degrees), x pixel coordinate, y pixel coordinate, position measurement confidence-weight (inverse of the square of the DAOPHOT extraction error), and absolute magnitude. These values should be separated by whitespace (no commas, etc.). An example data file is given as follows (this is Starsearch.dat, referred to in the Usage section below):

|Index  |RA         |Dec       |x       |y       |Sky   |Weight   |Mag   |Err  |Chi  |Sharp|    
|i      |r          |r         |r       |r       |r     |r        |r     |r    |r    |r    | 
  1     228.312900  81.643800  197.847  179.456   1.0     4.572   6.110   2.0   3.0   4.0
  2     228.291809  81.415573  164.816   62.270   1.0    77.519   17.108  2.0   3.0   4.0 
  3     230.044114  81.808117   48.876   79.979   1.0   121.951   17.506  2.0   3.0   4.0 
  4     228.317535  81.654461  154.227  173.311   1.0   123.457   17.999  2.0   3.0   4.0  
  5     225.767951  81.546250   39.178   83.291   1.0   105.263   18.222  2.0   3.0   4.0  
  6     228.687119  81.422291   26.815   63.671   1.0    90.909   18.259  2.0   3.0   4.0 
  7     228.534973  81.405125   80.010   56.274   1.0    85.470   18.665  2.0   3.0   4.0  
  8     228.690521  81.534222   25.104  115.746   1.0    60.241   18.734  2.0   3.0   4.0 
  9     228.265289  81.576611  172.941  137.355   1.0    79.365    6.570  2.0   3.0   4.0  

The table below describes the available command-line inputs. Note that the first two are required.

Command-line input Definition
-indat or -ind inputfilename Input source data filename. Required.
-band or -b value WIRE band corresponding to the input data: specify 1 for 12-µm band, or 2 for 25-µm band. Required.
-disttol list of two values Maximum allowable distance for a match between input source and cataloged star. Two values are required, the first for ACT-catalog matching, and the second for USNOA-catalog matching. Defaults are 7.2 and 3.6 arcseconds, respectively.
-matchtol value Maximum allowable number of matches to a given input source from a given star catalog. Default is 1 match. This option is useful for pruning out ambiguous matches.
-fluxtol value Enables IR-flux matching, in addition to distance matching. Absolute value of the relative difference in WIRE-IR-band flux density allowable for a match between input source and cataloged star.
-ratol value Right-ascension half-width of the search window in decimal degrees. Default is 0.4 degrees (changed from 0.5 degrees to reduce number of USNOA-catalog sources and speed-up matching). Division by the cosine of the declination is subsequently done to correct for converging meridians.
-dectol value Declination half-width of the search window in decimal degrees. Default is 0.4 degrees (changed from 0.5 degrees to reduce number of USNOA-catalog sources and speed-up matching).
-ACTstdtol value Maximum allowable ACT-catalog RA and Dec standard deviations, in milliarcseconds. Default is 1000 milliarcseconds.
-ACTq Reject ACT-catalog star if quality flag indicates poor astrometry.
-ACTqtol value Astrometric quality factor tolerance. Default is 5 (smaller values indicate better astrometry).
-ACTv If IR-flux-matching, reject ACT-catalog star if flag indicates variability.
-USNOAbright value Magnitude of brightest star accepted from USNOA catalog. Default is 12.
-USNOAdim value Magnitude of dimmest star accepted from USNOA catalog. Default is 18 (changed from 22 to reduce number of USNOA-catalog sources and speed-up matching).
-list value Low flux cutoff (Jy) for IPAC-table output lists of stars returned by search engines on ACT and USNOA catalogs (see *.dbg output files). Default is 0.005 Jy.
-verbose or -v Verbose mode. Default is off.
-execPath or -xp path Pathname for the binaries used by Starsearch.pl.
-debug or -dvalue Set value to one or more of the characters 1234 to get different debug outputs. In particular, -d 4 gives listings of catalog stars in search window after pre-filtering.

Star-Catalog Data

The ACT and USNOA star-catalog files (6-7 Gbytes), which are needed as inputs to search engines searchact.f and searchusnoa.f, reside in /wire/well/catalogs.

ACT-Star-Catalog All-Sky Distributions

A 50,000-trial Monte-Carlo sampling of WIRE fields was done to ascertain distributions of the numbers of ACT stars contained in the fields. The assumed field size was 0.5 x 0.5 square degrees. The sampling was uniform on the celestial sphere with CROTA2=0. Each of the links below are plots for various cases of absolute field positions above different values of galactic latitude. For each of these cases, scatter plots of the field positions and histograms of ACT star numbers above different flux densities are given.


In addition to detailed standard output (examples of which are given below), several other different output files are created:

Contains relevant data about the star-catalog search results in IPAC table format.
Contains relevant data about the star-catalog matches in IPAC table format.
Starsearch_act#.tbl and Starsearch_usnoa#.tbl
(where #=1 for the 12-um band and #=2 for the 25-um band)
Contain lists of ACT and USNOA stars returned from the catalogs, after the low flux cuttoff, specified by -list value, has been applied.
Includes a complete list of stars returned from the star catalogs, along with their fluxes in the 12-um and 25-um bands. This list is not filtered by the -list option, although the other filter options are applicable. This file is not in IPAC-table format, but rather in a format compatible with the WIRE simulator.


Example of how to execute Starsearch.pl for matching based on distance only:
Starsearch.pl -ind Starsearch.dat -b 1 -disttol 0.02,0.015 \
-usnoadim 22 -ratol 0.5 -dectol 0.5 -v

See the above "Required and Optional Inputs" section for a listing of Starsearch.dat. The corresponding standard output is:
Now logging to file Starsearch.pl.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3 .

Starsearch.pl version $Id: Starsearch.pl,v 1.29 1998/09/15 20:20:41 laher Exp $  update Tue_1998/09/15(258)_13:20:41 , PID=8464
Date/time: Tue_1998/09/15(258)_13:38:30   PCPU: 1.21/0.3/2  CCPU: 0.15/0.14

Named parameters for Starsearch.pl:
  indat = Starsearch.dat; suffixsearch = undef; suffixmatch = undef; 
  debug = undef; execpath = undef; verbose = 1; log = undef; ratol = 0.5; 
  dectol = 0.5; disttol = (0.02,0.015); fluxtol = undef; matchtol = 1; 
  band = 1; actstdtol = 1000; actq = undef; actqtol = 5; actv = undef; 
  list = 0.005; usnoabright = 12; usnoadim = 22; 

Star catalog matching based on distance only.

Time to epoch 2000 = -1.2940175742135

Input data filename = Starsearch.dat

Number of input sources = 9

Centroid values:
   RA  = 228.318782842059
   Dec = 81.5576427541888

Searching ACT catalog...

Number of ACT candidate sources = 21

Number of ACT candidate sources returned = 21

Number of ACT candidate source after pre-filtering = 19

ACT catalog star coordinates (after pre-filtering):

#        RA        Dec      Est. IR flux (Jy at 12 um)
1   225.024491  81.291119   0.0330942616958248
2   225.237730  81.590972   0.00147109065323231
3   225.561213  81.177783   0.0151157016112044
4   225.768313  81.545760   0.0380486051287894
5   226.055563  81.316374   0.00659562319351259
6   226.559912  81.797979   0.00532780588289371
7   226.775636  81.630986   0.00628545268546129
8   226.817317  81.608546   0.00286142109297987
9   227.196459  81.722261   0.10863996575182
10   228.121010  81.905089   1.47364829482392
11   228.321960  81.612802   0.00365846115767923
12   229.263943  81.147802   0.0039625206923243
13   229.470759  81.555433   0.00622675243646311
14   229.633188  81.987176   0.137277335001257
15   229.821050  81.545667   0.00511991652190894
16   229.951881  81.141852   0.185056848915246
17   230.041358  81.808099   0.0146449699408488
18   230.904362  81.335278   0.0139507338133735
19   231.117978  81.895032   0.0830050998890643

Looking for ACT-star-catalog matches...

ACT-star-catalog matches based on distance only = 2

#         RA            Dec          Bmag        Vmag        B-V      StdRA      StdDec  Aq Qf Kv Vf    Dist. (deg.)   IR flux (Jy)
3       230.041358     81.808099     11.704     10.709      0.862     24.900     27.300   0  4  0  0     3.931e-04     1.464e-02
5       225.768313     81.545760     11.844     10.534      1.110     23.400     25.100   0  4  0  0     4.929e-04     3.805e-02

Number of input sources unmatched to ACT star catalog = 7

Searching USNOA catalog...

Number of USNOA candidate sources returned = 3070

Number of USNOA candidate sources with visible mag. in [12,22] range = 3012

Looking for USNOA-star-catalog matches...

USNOA-star-catalog matches based on distance only = 2

Number of input sources unmatched to either star catalog = 5

End of Starsearch.pl status 0, PID=8464
Date/time: Tue_1998/09/15(258)_13:38:43   PCPU: 8.58/0.42/15  CCPU: 3.73/0.88

In this case, the five of the input sources are unmatched, not for lack of close-enough stars, but because there were more matches than allowed by the default value of the number of matches tolerated for a given input source, which is one. (This is revealed by examination of the diagnostic output file, which shows the best match for each input source, regardless of whether they were rejected by the -matchtol criterion.) Had the -matchtol value been raised to 2, all but one of the input sources would have been matched.

Here is a listing of the corresponding output file Starsearch.dat-match, which is used for input to the position-refinement processing in the WIRE data-analysis pipeline:

\ This star-catalog-match IPAC table was created by Starsearch.pl at 13:5:22 on 9/16/98.
\ $Id: Starsearch.pl,v 1.29 1998/09/15 20:20:41 laher Exp $ 
\ Name of this output file: Starsearch.dat-match
\ indat = Starsearch.dat; suffixsearch = undef; suffixmatch = undef; 
\ debug = undef; execpath = undef; verbose = 1; log = undef; ratol = 0.5; 
\ dectol = 0.5; disttol = (0.02,0.015); fluxtol = undef; matchtol = 1; 
\ band = 1; actstdtol = 1000; actq = undef; actqtol = 5; actv = undef; 
\ list = 0.005; usnoabright = 12; usnoadim = 22; 
\int nmatches = 4    
\real crpix1 =  116.50000000
\real crpix2 =   88.50000000
\real cdelt1 =   -0.00214859
\real cdelt2 =    0.00214859
\real crval1 =   92.23931885
\real crval2 =   24.32257843
\real crota2 =   -0.14983408
| ra             | dec         | x       | y         | weight | type   | Dist (arcsec.) | Fluxin (Jy) | Input mag. |
| r              | r           | r       | r         | r      | c      | r              | r           | r          |
  230.041359      81.808099     48.8760    79.9790   1000.0000     ACT     1.415e+00    9.945e-08        17.506 
  225.768312      81.545760     39.1780    83.2910   1000.0000     ACT     1.774e+00    5.143e-08        18.222 
  228.629058      81.411819     26.8150    63.6710      1.0000   USNOA     4.893e+01    4.970e-08        18.259 
  228.708536      81.545794     25.1040   115.7460      1.0000   USNOA     4.274e+01    3.209e-08        18.734 

Example of how to execute Starsearch.pl for matching based on both distance and IR flux density, and with a different -matchtol criterion than used in the above example:

Starsearch.pl -ind Starsearch.dat -b 1 -disttol 0.02,0.015 \
-usnoadim 22 -ratol 0.5 -dectol 0.5 -v -fluxtol 1 -matchtol 2

The corresponding standard output is:
Now logging to file Starsearch.pl.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=3 .

Starsearch.pl version $Id: Starsearch.pl,v 1.29 1998/09/15 20:20:41 laher Exp $  update Tue_1998/09/15(258)_13:20:41 , PID=8478
Date/time: Tue_1998/09/15(258)_13:41:19   PCPU: 1.4/0.23/2  CCPU: 0.17/0.11

Named parameters for Starsearch.pl:
  indat = Starsearch.dat; suffixsearch = undef; suffixmatch = undef; 
  debug = undef; execpath = undef; verbose = 1; log = undef; ratol = 0.5; 
  dectol = 0.5; disttol = (0.02,0.015); fluxtol = 1; matchtol = 2; band = 1; 
  actstdtol = 1000; actq = undef; actqtol = 5; actv = undef; list = 0.005; 
  usnoabright = 12; usnoadim = 22; 

Star catalog matching based on distance and flux.

Time to epoch 2000 = -1.29401225061475

Input data filename = Starsearch.dat

Number of input sources = 9

Centroid values:
   RA  = 228.318782842059
   Dec = 81.5576427541888

Searching ACT catalog...

Number of ACT candidate sources = 21

Number of ACT candidate sources returned = 21

Number of ACT candidate source after pre-filtering = 19

ACT catalog star coordinates (after pre-filtering):

#        RA        Dec      Est. IR flux (Jy at 12 um)
1   225.024491  81.291119   0.0330942616958248
2   225.237730  81.590972   0.00147109065323231
3   225.561213  81.177783   0.0151157016112044
4   225.768313  81.545760   0.0380486051287894
5   226.055563  81.316374   0.00659562319351259
6   226.559912  81.797979   0.00532780588289371
7   226.775636  81.630986   0.00628545268546129
8   226.817317  81.608546   0.00286142109297987
9   227.196459  81.722261   0.10863996575182
10   228.121010  81.905089   1.47364829482392
11   228.321960  81.612802   0.00365846115767923
12   229.263943  81.147802   0.0039625206923243
13   229.470759  81.555433   0.00622675243646311
14   229.633188  81.987176   0.137277335001257
15   229.821050  81.545667   0.00511991652190894
16   229.951881  81.141852   0.185056848915246
17   230.041358  81.808099   0.0146449699408488
18   230.904362  81.335278   0.0139507338133735
19   231.117978  81.895032   0.0830050998890643

Looking for ACT-star-catalog matches...

ACT-star-catalog matches based on distance and IR flux = 0

Number of input sources unmatched to ACT star catalog = 9

Searching USNOA catalog...

Number of USNOA candidate sources returned = 3070

Number of USNOA candidate sources with visible mag. in [12,22] range = 3012

Looking for USNOA-star-catalog matches...

USNOA-star-catalog matches based on distance and IR flux = 1

Number of input sources unmatched to either star catalog = 8

End of Starsearch.pl status 0, PID=8478
Date/time: Tue_1998/09/15(258)_13:41:32   PCPU: 8.8/0.32/15  CCPU: 3.1/0.91

In this case, the IR-flux matching criterion eliminated all matches but one, and this match occurred only because the -matchtol criterion was increased from 1 to 2.

Software developer: Russ Laher (laher@ipac.caltech.edu)

Webpage updates:

9/18/98 Russ Laher
First version.
9/23/98 Rosalie Ewald
Added section on ACT-star-catalog all-sky distributions.

URL: http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/laher/Starsearch.html

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