Perl script uses a set of input FITS keywords to re-compute the equatorial coordinates in a specified source list. This software is executed by the WIRE data analysis pipeline after the ACS data processing step, and again after the position refinement step. After each of these steps, is run twice: once for the 12-µm source list, and once for the 25-µm source list.
The required FITS keywords are CRPIX1, CRPIX2, CDELT1, CDELT2, CRVAL1, CRVAL2, and CROTA2. Those keywords either not specified on the command line, or not derivable from either an or output file will be set to the values given in the source list header. The derived values are found by correcting the source-list header values by the amounts computed from outputs or read from outputs.
The binary file xytolonlat3 is executed by
The software is now under both CVS version control (/proj/wire/cvsroot/da/russ/acs), and make control (makefile.p-bin). The executables have been delivered to /proj/wire/tst/bin. The source codes are located in /proj/wire/russ/acs.
The table below describes the available command-line inputs. Note that only the first two command-line inputs are required.
Command-line input | Definition |
-indat or -ind filename | Filename of source list to be updated. Required. |
-suffix or -sfx suffix | Output filename suffix. The filename of the output source list is the filename of the input source list with the added suffix. Required. |
-inkey or -ink filename | Filename of output data from either or, from which the required FITS keywords are derived. Optional. |
-crpix1 value | FITS keyword CRPIX1 (pixels). |
-crpix2 value | FITS keyword CRPIX2 (pixels). |
-cdelt1 value | FITS keyword CDELT1 (decimal degrees). This value should be negative, according to our adopted convention. |
-cdelt2 value | FITS keyword CDELT2 (decimal degrees). |
-crval1 value | FITS keyword CRVAL1 (decimal degrees). |
-crval2 value | FITS keyword CRVAL2 (decimal degrees). |
-crota2 value | FITS keyword CROTA2 (decimal degrees). |
-verbose or -v | Verbose mode. Shows final outputs from the least-squares fitting modules. Default is off. |
-execPath or -xp path | Pathname for the binaries used by |
The output source list has the same format (IPAC table) as the input source list. The filename of the output source list is the filename of the input source list with the added suffix.
Example of how to execute for the case where FITS keywords CRVAL1, CRVAL2, and CROTA2 values are derived from the correction quaternions listed in output file cws226500102.adp: -ind cws226500102.tbl -sfx '-a' -ink cws226500102.adpIn this case, values for CRPIX1, CRPIX2, CDELT1, and CDELT2 will be obtained from the input source list. The output source list will be called cws226500102.tbl-a.
Example of how to execute for the case where FITS keywords CRPIX1, CRPIX2, CDELT1, CDELT2, and CROTA2 values are derived from output file cws226500102.pos: -ind cws226500102.tbl-a -sfx '-p' -ink cws226500102.posIn this case, the output source list from the first example becomes the input source list, and values for CRVAL1 and CRVAL2 will be obtained from the input source list (since these are not available in cws226500102.pos). The output source list will be called cws226500102.tbl-a-p.
Last revised: April 13, 1998
Software developer: Russ Laher (