If the tile width and height are not specified, then these will be read from plansky's tile-size definition files in accordance with the specifed tile type (required in this case). Note that there is no error checking for the tile type's inclusion in plansky's tile-size definition files.
The tiles are by default placed contiguously on the orbit-angle map. For tile heights that are not equal to 360 degrees divided by a positive non-zero integer, there will be a gap near the 360-zero-degree boundary. As an option, the user can specify the -sg switch, which will cause the gap to be subdivided and spread out uniformly among all the tiles. This feature works only in the angle dimension, not in orbit dimension.
The tool assigns area IDs to tiles inefficiently, so it can take a few minutes to tile the orbit-angle map.
The -eo and -lo command-line options can be used to limit the orbit-range coverage of the resulting tiles. The default range is [0, 2700].
The script uses four environment variables. See the environment variables section below for information on controlling the versions of planquery and planner input files used by this tool.
A log file called autoFCtilefile.log is either created or append to when the tool is run. It includes run-time data and STDERR messages.
The tool is now under both CVS version control (/proj/wire/cvsroot/so/plansky), and make control (makefile.p). The following perl libraries are required: posrecutils.pl, wireutils.pl, params.pl, and mytime.pl. CVS version 4.6 of this tool has been delivered to /proj/wire/so_ops/bin. The source code is located in /proj/wire/russ/so/plansky/autoFCtilefile.
Command-line input | Definition |
-outputtilefile or -tf filename | Output tile file. Required. |
-tiletype or -tt string | Tile type. Normally a one-character designator. Required. |
-tilewidth or -tw value | Tile width, in units of number of orbits. Required unless obtainable from plansky's tile-size definition files for the specified tile tile type. |
-tileheight or -th value | Tile height, in units of number of degrees. Required unless obtainable from plansky's tile-size definition files for the specified tile tile type. |
-earliestorbit or -eo value | Earliest orbit number for placement of all tiles in input target list. Default value is zero. Optional. |
-latestorbit or -lo value | Latest orbit number for placement of all tiles in input target list. Default value is 2700. Optional. |
-spreadgaps or -sg | Switch for uniformly spreading tile gaps in the angle dimension among all tiles. |
-verbose or -v switch | Verbose mode. Default is off. |
Environment variable | Description | Defaults |
PLANSKYROOT | Path to generic plansky input files | /proj/wire/soda/so/plansky |
PLANQUERYROOT | Path to planquery | /proj/wire/TARGET/bin/ |
PLANROOT | Path to evolution-scenario dependent input files | /proj/wire/TARGET/data/isoev |
PLANPROJECT | Filename suffix for *.zzh evolution-scenario dependent image files in directory specified by PLANROOT | DGH_sf |
autoFCtilefile -tw 45 -th 23.0 -tt f -tf myFC.tile -v
The standard output is:
Now logging to file autoFCtilefile.log, GETFD=0 but true, FH=6 . autoFCtilefile version $Id: autoFCtilefile,v 4.6 1999/02/23 19:50:12 laher Exp $ update Tue_1999/03/02(061)_15:05:44 , PID=1614 User: laher Date/time: Tue_1999/03/16(075)_10:54:18 PCPU: 1.34/0.19/3 CCPU: 0.15/0.28 CWD=/proj/wire/russ/planskycheck/ Named parameters for AutoFCtilefile: tilewidth = 45; tileheight = 23; tiletype = f; outputtilefile = myFC.tile; earliestorbit = 0; latestorbit = 2700; spreadgaps = undef; verbose = 1; execpath = @/; debug = undef; log = undef; Starting survey prog: planquery ... Process '/proj/wire/so_ops/bin/planquery /proj/wire/so_ops/data/isoev DGH_sf' started with PID 1626. Directory for all binary files:/proj/wire/so_ops/data/isoev Projection & coordinate system string:DGH_sf Projection code=0, axes code=12 Planquery version planquery version 6.2.21 Info only: allocating memory for 4539 state vectors finished survey start: 0 Primary-science tile types: Type Width Height u 81 38.0776 d 81 38.0776 m 27 38.0776 s 27 24.4919 p 16 24.4919 f 27 24.4919 Number of primary-science tile types = 6 AI-science tile types: Type Width Height Color a 1 18.5796 purple b 1 38.0776 brown e 1 24.4919 cyan g 1 18.5796 green j 1 18.5796 red k 3 24.4919 purple n 1 35.0586 brown o 27 24.4919 cyan q 1 35.0586 green Number of AI-science tile types = 9 Number of tiles to be generated = 900 Loading tile data... Assigning area IDs... Writing tile data to myFC.tile... End of autoFCtilefile status 0, PID=1614 User: laher Date/time: Tue_1999/03/16(075)_10:55:58 PCPU: 2.6/1.91/103 CCPU: 0.17/0.36
here to see the output tile file, myFC.tile. The data columns in
this file are tab-separated, and formatted as required by plansky and
Last revised: March 16, 1999
Software Developer: Russ Laher
Webpage by: Russ Laher
URL: http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/laher/autoFCtilefile.html