Currently the tool can reassign area IDs, adjust tile heights, shift tiles in the orbit dimension, manipulate values stored the target (RA, Dec) columns, and filter out targeted tiles based on whether their targets are some combination of near and/or far from the galactic and/or ecliptic planes.
It can also convert a plan file back into a tile file, and at the same time filter out any comment lines inserted by wiresky. This is done transparently by simply running the tool with a plan file specified for the input tile-file name.
The -targlist command-line option allows values from an IPAC-table-format target list to be substituted in place of the target (RA, Dec) columns in a specified tile file. The number of targets in the target list must be equal to the number of tiles in the tile file.
The -cs switch causes copying of all selected target (RA, Dec) points columns into the corresponding target (RA, Dec) points columns, only if those selected points exist (meaning they are non-null in the tile file).
The command-line options for controlling the exclusion of certain targeted tiles are -gt, -ngt, -et, -net, and -nok. See table below for the details on their use. Untargeted input tiles are skipped, and not included in the output tile file if any of these options are used. If the target RA includes the character "h", then the code assumes the units of (RA, Dec) for a given tile are in sexigesimal time for RA and sexigesimal degrees for Dec. Otherwise, decimal degrees are assumed for both RA and Dec. More work will have to be done for the code to handle mixed and other units. Setting the verbose (-v) switch allows you to see the results of conversion from equatorial to galactic and ecliptic coordinates.
See the environment variables section below for information on controlling the versions of planquery and planner input files used by this tool.
The tool is now under both CVS version control (/proj/wire/cvsroot/so/plansky), and make control (makefile.p). It has been delivered to /proj/wire/so_tst/bin. The lastest CVS version number is 4.8. The source code is located in /proj/wire/russ/so/plansky/tilefiletool. It requires the following perl libraries:,,, and
Command-line input | Definition |
-inputtilefile or -itf filename | Input tile file. Optional. |
-outputtilefile or -otf filename | Output tile file. Required. |
-newareaids or -na | Switch to cause new area IDs to be assigned to all input tiles. Optional. |
-adjusttileheight or -at | Switch to cause heights of all input tiles to be changed according to tilesizes.inp and AItilesizes.inp located in directory specified by environment variable PLANROOT (see below). Optional. |
-addorbits or -ao value | Specify integer number of orbits by which to shift all tiles. The shift can be positive or negative. A warning will be given for each resulting tile whose left edge falls into negative orbit space. Optional. |
-gallatthresh or -gt value | Don't write tile to output file unless it is 1) targeted, and 2) has an absolute galactic latitude that is less than value, in units of decimal degrees. Optional. |
-notgallatthresh or -ngt value | Don't write tile to output file unless it is 1) targeted, and 2) has an absolute galactic latitude that is greater than or equal to value, in units of decimal degrees. Optional. |
-ecllatthresh or -et value | Don't write tile to output file unless it is 1) targeted, and 2) has an absolute ecliptic latitude that is less than value, in units of decimal degrees. Optional. |
-notecllatthresh or -net value | Don't write tile to output file unless it is 1) targeted, and 2) has an absolute ecliptic latitude that is greater than or equal to value, in units of decimal degrees. Optional. |
-notkeep or -nok | Switch to cause only those tiles that pass the complement of ORing the four above tests to be written to output file. Optional. |
-targlist or -tl filename | Allows target (RA, Dec) columns in a tile file to be loaded with target coordinates from an external data file. The list of targets must be in IPAC-table format and have columns labeled "ra" and "dec". This command-line option is incompatible with the -cs switch (see below). |
-copyseltargets or -cs | Switch that caused all defined selected target (RA, Dec) points to be copied into the corresponding target (RA, Dec) columns. This switch is incompatible with the -tl command-line option (see above). |
-earliestorbit or -eo value | Earliest orbit number for placement of all tiles in input target list. Default value is zero. NOT CURRENTLY ENABLED. |
-latestorbit or -lo value | Latest orbit number for placement of all tiles in input target list. Default value is 10000. NOT CURRENTLY ENABLED. |
-verbose or -v switch | Verbose mode. Default is off. |
Environment variable | Description | Defaults |
PLANSKYROOT | Path to generic plansky input files | /proj/wire/soda/so/plansky |
PLANQUERYROOT | Path to planquery | /proj/wire/TARGET/bin/ |
PLANROOT | Path to evolution-scenario dependent input files | /proj/wire/TARGET/data/isoev |
PLANPROJECT | Filename suffix for *.zzh evolution-scenario dependent image files in directory specified by PLANROOT | DGH_sf |
tilefiletool -itf mylist.tile -otf mylistout.tile -gt 10 -et 20 -v
Last revised: March 15, 1999
Software Developer: Russ Laher
Webpage by: Russ Laher