
and Public Outreach

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Links related
to my public talks

Me in infrared
(me in legos, from here)

Luisa M. Rebull

Senior Research Scientist
IRSA Science User Support Lead, Infrared Science Archive
Director, NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program
California Institute of Technology

A "public-friendly" if somewhat dated interview that used to be at Aspire for Equality
A considerably less polished "public-friendly" biography

Mail Stop 100-22
1200 E. California Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91125
r e b u l l @ i p a c . c a l t e c h . e d u

Ph.D. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2000, University of Chicago
M.S. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 1993, University of Chicago
B.S. Physics, 1992, College of William and Mary
Curriculum Vitae and Bibliography
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Likely somewhat dated links for women (and everyone else) in science

Last substantially modified 26 Nov 2014 by rebull
Any opinions expressed here are well-reasoned and insightful, but in no way reflect those of NASA, JPL, Caltech, or any other of my employers. No electrons were harmed in the creation of these pages.