Overview of 2MASS QA Utilities
Updated for Pipeline 3
I've written a number of scripts to help streamline my QA review
process; since they may be of use to others I will keep info on them updated
on this page. Many are designed to be used on production nights that are
on disk.
Most of these scripts will give basic usage info if called without any
arguments. All can be found in /home/hurt/bin (easiest way to access them
is just to add /home/hurt/bin to your path).
Required Environment Variables
Several of the scripts require knowledge of your preferred text editor and where you
wish to keep QA-related scratch files on your local disk. An example set from a .cshrc
is shown below:
setenv EDITOR nc # preferred editor
setenv coadds_host "vorlon" # home unix machine name
setenv coadds_rmtdir "/scr/2mass/qaimages" # preferred scratch dir
setenv coadds_extd "yes" # gives extended source markers on coadds
It is also recommended you set the following in your .cshrc so others in the
2MASS group can edit or delete your QA files:
umask 2
Basic Review Tools
This simple script prints a machine-by-machine summary of currently online
production nights. It simply reformats output from Ron's where2 command.
This simple script merely lists all the .tmpl files found in Davy's ~davy/QAreview/
directory. This generally corresponds to the list of nights that are ready
to be reviewed.
This script opens up all the basic files needed at the start of a QA review:
the template *.QAreview file, the observer's log, the version 2 .QAreview,
and Roc's nightly
review files. The logs will be displayed using the editor specified in
the EDITOR system environment variable (this is usually defined in one's
.cshrc). The script is "smart" with respect to north/south hemispheres
and the current status of the *.QAreview file (found in Davy's ~davy/QAreview/
if only a .QAreview file exists, then it is opened
if only a .QAreview.tmpl file exists, it is renamed to .QAreview and opened
if both files exist, both are opened (the reviewer should eventually delete
the .tmpl file)
qalog YYMMDDH log [only open observer's log and Roc review file]
qalog YYMMDDH rev [only open QA review files]
Executed from the datequal or night root directory, qastart displays the most
commonly accessed postscript files and summarizes useful info on calmon
overrides. It also copies to the user's local directory
the nightly qameteor and qabkg image directories.
qastart      [from datequal or night]
qastart bkg  [copies bkg plots]
qastart info [only prints summary information]
qastart help [prints command summary]
Executed from the datequal or night root directory, run_scansci will
rerun key QA scripts and
update the QA web pages with current values of reviewer overrides. Typically
this should follow any editing of the .qagrade or .qacat files.
run_scansci [from datequal or night]
Display/Analysis Tools
qaseeing/qaseetrack [display seeing plots]
Executed from the datequal or night root directories, these are shorthand
scripts for calling Tom Jarrett's seetracker plots. The only argument you
need to supply is the scan number.
qaseeing NNN [from datequal or night]
qaseetrack NNN [from datequal or night]
qamagndec [display magnitude overlaps plots]
This opens up in ghostview one or more magndec plots, if present, that cover
overlaps of specified scans. It can be used with the 'all' argument to display,
one after another, every magndec plot for the night (each new plot will open after
the previous plot is closed).
qamagndec NNN(1) NNN(2) ... [from datequal or night]
qamagndec all [from datequal or night]
qadpos [display position overlaps plots]
This opens up in ghostview one or more dec.dpos plots, if present, that cover
overlaps of specified scans. As with qamagndec it can be used with the 'all' argument to display,
one after another, every dec.dpos plot for the night (each new plot will open after
the previous plot is closed).
qadpos NNN(1) NNN(2) ... [from datequal or night]
qadpos all [from datequal or night]
pltbkg [display night background summary plot]
This plots the scan-by-scan background summary for the night, leaving you in sm.
pltbkg [from datequal or night]
bkgflash/bkg [display scan background plots; semi-obsolete]
These scripts show the backgrounds for the night/scan, leaving you in sm.
For pipeline 3, bkg plots will be pregenerated and viewable from within
Netscape on your local disk partition.
pltbkg [from datequal or night]
bkgflash [from datequal or night]
bkg NNN [from datequal or night]
coadds/ccoadds/ccoadds_multi [display coadd images]
These scripts allow easy viewing of coadds for single bands and 3-color
coadds k*.fits [from sNNN/image dir]
ccoadds *009.fits [from sNNN/image dir]
ccoadds_multi NNN(1) NNN(2) ... [from night
root only]
Full documentation for these is available elsewhere.
overlays/coverlays [display coadd images w/ point source overlays]
These scripts overlay point sources on the specified coadd; overlays handles
a single greyscale band while coverlays makes a 3-band RGB image.
overlays ji0130009 [from sNNN/image dir]
coverlays *i*009.fits [from sNNN/image dir]
Special Purpose Tools
These accomplish special-purpose tasks I've dealt with on occasion. They are not
necessarily supported tools but I include them here for reference.
This lists relevant lines from a pared-down V2 .sit file indicating all instances
of a given tile number. This is useful for determining whether newly-downgraded
tiles will have other, better apparitions. The key column to check is "Qn", the
final V2 score.
Note that this will generally only work on a production machine as it must
access the updatesit file on /2massd.
Possibly adapted from a routine from Brant.
qatile TILENUM [from anywhere on a prod machine]
This creates tables and plotfiles for making high SNR overlap photometry plots for
two adjacent scans.
Possibly adapted from a routine from Brant.
qaphotmatch SSS TTT j|h|k [from datequal]
This extracts background summary info from an input filelist. Example for using
John Fowler's stf utility.
qabgsum filelist [from datequal]
QA Web Status Scripts
Status Update Scripts
qastatusnew YYMMDDH [YYMMDDH [...]]
used primarily by: DMT's
Sets up new entries in the database for online nights that have made
it through OPS. New nights can be set to status "online" (the default)
or "hold" (in case there was a production problem and it isn't ready for
anormal review).
used primarily by: Reviewers
Gives a list of nights ready for reveiw and signs a reviewer up for
used primarily by: Reviewers
This is run at the end of the review process (i.e. the complement to
qastart) to copy the QA review to the web server and to change its status
to "submitted" and ready for "cleanup". It also allows you to assume responsibility
for a night originally claimed by someone else. You may change any/all/none
of these states as it asks for confirmation for each step. It can also
be run multiple times as needed.
qaapproved YYMMDDH [YYMMDDH [...]]
used primarily by: Reviewers
This updates the status of a night to "approved" once UMASS sends the
qacleanup YYMMDDH [YYMMDDH [...]]
used primarily by: DMT's
Changes the status of entries marked ready for "cleanup" after review
to "archive", indicating they are now on the V3ARC archives.
qastatus YYMMDDH [YYMMDDH [...]]
used primarily by: DMT's/Davy/Robert
This is a general purpose editing tool that allows any status state
to be changed to any acceptable value. It also allows for the addition/removal
of notes.
used primarily by: troubleshooting purposes only
This regenerates the web status board in case something gets confused
during one of the other scripts. No data is changed; this routine recompiles
the HTML pages based on the current database. It is called internally by
each of the other scripts.
Outdated Pipeline 2 Tools
qadark [Pipeline 2 only]
Executed from the datequal directory, qadark extracts useful info about
flats and darks from the fort.44 file.
qadark [in datequal dir]
qatr/qatrans [Pipeline 2 only]
This opens up 4 files useful when submitting transaction files: the QA
review for the night, the .qua and .QAtrans transaction files, and a template
note for the DMT's. The files will be displayed using the editor specified
in the EDITOR system environment variable. Calling qatr first also fills in
the grades in the .QAtrans file.
qatrans 990103s
Last updated: 9/20/01 by R. Hurt