The IRAC Dark Field data release is funded through Eureka Scientific by NASA ADAP Grant NNX16AH93GS01 and 80NSSC18K0031.
- The IRAC data were taken as part of the IRAC instrument calibration program.
- The MIPS 24µm data were also taken as part of the MIPS cross-calibration program (program id 1868).
- The MIPS 70µm data were taken under program 30222 (Surace PI).
- The HST/ACS data were taken under program 10521 (Surace PI).
- The Chandra ACIS data were taken under Spitzer Joint Program 30222 (Surace PI).
- The Palomar Optical and near-Infrared data were were acquired through the JPL Palomar proposal process (Surace PI).
- The Akari data were taken under an Open Time 2 program entitled “Astro-F Ultra-Deep Imaging/Spectroscopy of the Spitzer/IRAC Dark Field” (Egami PI).