The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center.
The Spitzer-Space-Telescope Science Center (SSC).
The SSC is the Spitzer-Space-Telescope equivalent of HST's STScI. |
California Institute of Technology, a
parent organization to IPAC and SSC. IPAC and SSC
are located on the Caltech campus.
Jet Propulsion Labratory, a parent organization to IPAC
and SSC.
IRSA, the Infrared Science Archive. IRSA is an integral part of the SWIRE
data system.
CASS UCSD, one of the organizations involved with SWIRE.
The WIRE Project. WIRE was a satellite lost in 1999. It was designed to map
a significant amount of the sky at 12 and 24 microns, and it's mission was
similar to that of SWIRE. The list of culprits (the science team) is very
similar to that of SWIRE.
The SpARCS Collaboration: The Spitzer Adaptation of the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey