Since the termination of the Spitzer mission, the technical information has been taken offline. If you see something on this page that interests you, please contact me.
- IDM Cryotest 2 - May, 1999
- Some images (5/14/99)
- Results for the internal calibrators (5/24/99)
- Gain measurments (6/1/99)
- Linearity test results (6/1/99)
- Shutter Attenuation (6/4/99)
- Stability Measurements (6/7/99)
- Dependency of noise on fowler number (6/10/99)
- Optimum Fowler Number for a given exposure time (6/19/99)
- FPA/SCA acceptance reports, lifted from the GSFC and Ames web sites.
- Status Report on different FPAs as of 6/28/99
- Ch.3 IDM Array
- Ch.3 Flight Array
- Ch.4 Flight Array
- Bad Pixel Masks for IRAC (4/13/00)
- FOV-FOV Electrical Crosstalk (5/11/00)
- Muxbleed Correction Algorithm (7/21/00)
- Feasibility study for IRAC position refinement using 2MASS (7/28/00)
- Bad Pixel Update for Channel 3 (8/25/00)
- Report on best methods to linearize InSb data (12/4/00)
- Fowler Linearization Error (12/12/00)
- Presentation for the S5 IRAC Pipeline Review (01/26/01)
- Images of the pickup noise during the CTA test (2/12/01)
- Selection of thresholds for the muxbleed algorithm (2/15/01)
- Definition of the SATMASK module (2/18/01)
- Coefficients for the EBWC module (2/21/01)
- Anticipated IRAC data rate during routine ops (2/28/01)
- Analytic solution to the adjustment to the linearity correction required due to fowler sampling (3/12/01)
- Verification of the DARKCAL thread (4/12/01)
- Verification of the Bandwidth Correction Module (5/02/01)
- Testing of CTA linearity data 5/07/01
- Comparison between SIRTF TinyTIM and Code V modeled PSFs for IRAC (6/13/01)
- Linearization of Si:As arrays (7/13/01)
- First-Frame Effect Correction Module (7/16/01)
- S5 Test Report (7/24/01)
- Further analysis of the Si:As LINCAL solution (8/1/01)
- Design for the ghost flagging module (10/10/01)
- Analysis of the IRAC dark behaviour in HDR mode (11/05/01)
- Results on IRAC flat-fielding based on the zodiacal background (01/04/02)
- Results on IRAC flat-fielding based on elliptical galaxies (01/17/02)
- Rick's results on the above datasets using the Fixsen algorithm (01/22/02)
- Goodness of flat as a function of data volume (01/24/02)
- Extracted fluxes as a test of the goodness of the simulated IRAC flat-field (3/5/02)
- Shutterless Thread Design
- Design for the dark calibration thread (4/10/02)
- Design for the flat-field calibration thread (4/10/02)
- Design for the science thread (4/10/02)
- Minimum number of skydark dithers (4/23/02)
- Strategy for IRAC position reconstruction based on 2MASS (6/4/02)
- Design of the dark monitor thread (6/4/02)
- Selection of dark sky location in the NEP (6/5/02)
- Selection of high zody regions (8/15/02)
- Needs for archive system. (8/21/02)
- A checklist for Q/A checking of IRAC data (10/14/02)
- How to get data into the right pipeline (10/15/02)
- Viewing Sites at KSC (4/28/03)
- Location of the sun as seen from SIRTF. (10/21/03)
- Test of linearity in-flight. (10/30/03)
- Flats from nomops 2 (1/8/04)
- New ch.4 linearization. (2/22/04)
- Calibration Summit I (5/12/2004)
- Position-dependent gain corrections (3/2/05)
- Results from the stellar linearity test. (9/8/05)
- Calibration Summit II (9/29/05)
- New Si:As linearity curves. (10/13/05)
- Stability of the IRAC Flat after 2 years of nominal OPS. (10/26/05)
IRAC Links
- IRAC Test Data Server, which contains most of the above info, and much more. Password protected.
- IRAC Detector Testing (GSFC, password needed)
- ARC IRAC Test Site, also password protected